Basics of Creating YTMNDs/old

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To create a YTMND, you'll need to use the YTMND-O-MATIC. This is a basic guide of filling out the form and creating your own YTMND site. All options followed by an asterisk (*) are optional.


Vitals section

Title: A short description of the YTMND. Example: "You're The Man Now". This title will appear in on your browser's titlebar, as well as it's listing.

Domain: The subdomain of your site; writing "yourethemannowdog" makes the direct link to

Check Availability*: Check if the domain is available. If not, enter a different one. means it's occupied, while means it's free to take.

Image: The image/animation that will be used as the background of your YTMND. Pick a saved image from your system. You can use either JPEG, GIF, or PNG.

Sound: The sound clip/music that will be used in your YTMND. Pick a saved MP3 or WAV file from your system. There are certain limitations of what kind of MP3 file you can use. It's best to use 128kps at 44khz in order to avoid any problems.

1st, 2nd and 3rd Line*: The text that pops out in your YTMND. 1st line is highest, 2nd is in the center and 3rd is lowest.

Other Options

Other Options section

Image display*: Select what style you want your background image to be displayed.

  • Tiled: Tiles the image so it repeates over and over. This may cause a very slow computer to be unresponsive if the image is a detailed animated gif. example
  • Center: This centers the image to the middle of the page. Make sure you have a background color which matches the image. example
  • Stretch: Stretches the image so it shows in the full window. Stretched currently don't work, and are instead render as centered. example

BG Color*: Generates a different background color than black for centered or loading images. For example, FFFFFF regenerates white, 009900 generates green etc.

Image text*: If the text of the YTMND should be used as an image rather than the JavScript generated text. This is used for animated backgrounds.

Synchronize*: If you want the Flash Preloader be used to release the sound and image at the same time. Only available when using MP3s. Delay is time between image and sound start, in milliseconds.


Meta-Data Section

Description*: An optional, longer description of your YTMND. This will appear in the YTMND's profile

Keywords*: The keywords is for categorization in image search. For example, the first YTMND included Sean Connery, Finding Forrester, YTMND, you're the man now dog, etc as the keywords.

Image origin*: Write where you got the image, if you want.

Sound origin*: Write where you got the sound, if you want.

Note: Once you create your YTMND, you cannot make another one for fifteen minutes. When making YTMNDs, there's also some rules. No anime, extreme racism, hardcore porn, illegal stuff, non-YTMND related in-jokes, and of course not any pictures of your friends. If you include anything of that, most users will * it. That's NO GOOD!