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I'm in the Forgot Poland Army. Let's just start there.

Date of first site
[1], created
Avg. site rating: ****
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Music and Musician References

Often, for reasons unknown to even myself, I tend to reference any song, band, or single musician that I can relate to whatever it is I'm doing.

Bob Seger

Bob Seger is probably the penultimate reason that we all die someday. Based on his music, I can honestly tell you that, in reality, Bob Seger is an immortal samurai warrior doomed to walk the earth in perpetual unrest until he kills 1,000 evil men. Instead, he generally just ends up killing people. With his Silver Bullet Band, he travels far and wide across the U.S. and spreads death with his heartland rock of chaotic justice. It is in this, that the deaths to be accounted for are also including an equally enormous ammount of innocent, good people, as opposed to the dastardly men he's charged with killing(The dastardly WOMEN are forced to watch him make love to several other beautiful women until they die inside, having lost hope of ever doing a Shakedown on his American Storm, and are then killed). They are rivaled in every aspect, however, by Geddy Lee and the other members of Rush.

Bushpoland.jpg 30 seconds! Well, actually this user remembered Poland!